"To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives." -Henry David Thoreau
"People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use." -Søren Kierkegaard

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Night-Water's Gift

I would like to acknowledge that after two years, i have finally returned and updated this blog. And with this update i am posting a short story which you will hopefully enjoy.

The Night-Water's Gift

I look down to the stars. The moon pulls the night over them, covering them, uncovering them repeatedly, continually. A stark ledge of the night stands before me, under me. I look down. There they are off in the distance, the sparkling stones in the night. Near, far unceasingly they flow, sometimes creeping towards the ledge. I have lived so long for this, long enough. I peer over the edge, down to the night-water's gift. Crash, recede, crash again, it speaks to me. I have lived a life satisfying enough; i'm ready for its presence. Some mistake my preparation as denial, but they know nothing of this change, the only change which i let consume me. There may be more from this life which i would have gleaned, but their estates are too far from my fire, a fire so tender, it ignites fear in their countenances, so i put them aside, and from my sight they have been placed that i might mourn our separation no longer. i will forget them when i receive the nigh-water's gift, when i enter into a new devotion to please another. the stars may remain in the nigh-water's gift but this ledge for sure won't be awaiting my feet. Soft the time becomes and gentle the sound as i leap -no- drop to the gift of the night-water deep.

P.S. Please be sure to take the interest poll below as i will focus my post around the results.