"To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives." -Henry David Thoreau
"People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use." -Søren Kierkegaard

Sunday, November 21, 2010


This post is for the explanation behind the title "HieroKnowledge".

Greek depiction of heaven
  Being a linguist i must begin with the morphemes.  The affix hier(o)- is derived from the Greek word, ιερός, meaning "sacred"; and knowledge is the combination of the word, know, & the affix, -ledge.  Know is derived from the Anglo-Saxon verb, (ge)cnāwan, meaning "to know" and -ledge is derived from the Anglo-Saxon affix, "-lāc", which has an unknown meaning.  So essentially, hieroknowledge means "holy knowledge"; however, this is only the fat of the milk.
  Yes holy means "of god", "sacred", "worthy" et cetera and yes i do type about religion; however, holy can also be associated with the word heavenly.  Now, heavenly is an very interesting word as it has it relationships to God, & to greatness.  In this context i also use holy to mean "great"; so now hieroknowledge can also be simplified to "great knowledge".
  And from here we can now compare great to the affix, poly-.  Poly- is a latin affix meaning "many"; in my context hieroknowledge is a synonym to polyknowledge.  In this sense, i refer to my knowledge of many things: language, mythology, literature, writing, & religion.
  Now you may be saying, "Well i knew what poly- meant "many" so why did you not just call it "Polyknowledge" or more simply "A Lot of Knowledge"?"  Well first off, "A Lot of Knowledge" sound no where as cool as "HieroKnowledge"; secondly, "Polyknowledge" neither covers all the meanings of hieroknowledge nor does it sound as intellectual.  Additionally for you as the reader, you can amaze your friends by saying, that you read a blog called "HieroKnowledge" and tell them EXACTLY what it means.
  In conclusion, i chose the title "HieroKnowledge" to depict the content within.  The blog states religious information as well as many other subjects.  Additionally, the use of such an elaborate concept adds to the depiction of linguistics.  And lastly,  the capitalization of the "k" in "knowledge" emphasizes the importance of its meaning as well as breaks down the word as a whole.

I hope that this post has given you at least a greater appreciation for linguist, if not a desire to learn more.

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